Iron Infusions & IV Fluid Rehydration

Intravenous Fluid and Iron Therapy

Crown St Medical Centre (Surry Hills) offers intravenous therapy for fluid re-hydration and intravenous iron therapy.

Intravenous re-hydration therapy may be required in illnesses such as gastroenteritis, infection, hyperemesis gravidarum in pregnancy, severe morning sickness, and post excessive alcohol where oral re-hydration is inadequate. Intravenous anti-emetics (or nausea mediation) can also be given at the same time to assist in oral re-hydration.

Intravenous iron therapy may be required where oral iron supplementation is inadequate, not tolerated, or inappropriate due to a medical reason such as significant iron deficiency anaemia. Intravenous iron infusions make be an option to quickly replenish iron stores and correct symptoms of tiredness and anaemia. Please arrange an appointment with one of our doctors to discuss whether this is appropriate for you.

Private consultation fees apply for intravenous therapy.

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